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Guests 312

  1. Guest

    Unknown location -

  2. Guest

    Unknown location -

  3. Guest

    Reading thread Quizy IRC - statystyki -

  4. Guest

    Reading thread Ekspedycje - kompletny poradnik -

  5. Guest

    Reading thread Rynek - dyskusje -

  6. Guest


  7. Guest

    Viewing dashboard -

  8. Guest

    Reading thread UniFusion - zmiana forum - zamknięcie forum -

  9. Guest

    Viewing members list -

  10. Guest

    Reading thread Szukasz sojuszu? Dopisz się tutaj! -

  11. Guest

    Viewing forum OGame'owy Kalendarz Adwentowy -

  12. Guest

    Reading thread Usuń lub wszystko w zakładce Szpieguj. -

  13. Guest

    Reading thread smoki -

  14. Guest

    Writing reply in thread Kenio [WLRS] vs. FenixZero [KDRwCS] ~ 9.31% -

  15. Guest

    Reading thread Wiedźmiński -

  16. Guest

    Reading thread Art -

  17. Guest

    Reading thread Nie odnaleziono serwera? -

  18. Guest

    Viewing profile Lizak EJK -

  19. Guest

    Viewing profile mirela -

  20. Guest

    Reading thread Inny_koles [PUSH_1] vs. piotrek21 [NATO] ~ 2387.01% -

  21. Guest

    Reading thread ..::Piłka::Ręczna::.. -

  22. Guest

    Reading thread Berlin777 [GRUPA] vs. last one [T_ACA] ~ 3043.44% -

  23. Guest

    Reading thread Nasze małe RW: solo 500%, ACS 800% -

  24. Guest

    Reading thread Event z nagrodami - dyskusja -

  25. Guest

    Viewing users online -

  26. Guest

    Reading thread Superman - mrumciumciumcium -

  27. Guest

    Reading thread Quizy IRC - statystyki -

  28. Guest

    Reading thread Nowy system migracji kont -

  29. Guest

    Reading thread Największe bunkry -

  30. Guest

    Login -

  31. Guest

    Reading thread Superman - mrumciumciumcium -

  32. Guest

    Reading thread Manchester United -

  33. Guest

    Reading thread Stwórzmy razem niesamowitą historię! -

  34. Guest

    Reading thread Sztab dowodzenia -

  35. Guest

    Viewing forum Wojny Rosalind -

  36. Guest

    Reading thread M.O.O.N.S. -

  37. Guest

    Reading thread Regulamin działu Gra -

  38. Guest

    Reading thread MisiuGD [P N] vs. Warlord ~ 5836.1% -

  39. Guest

    Reading thread Hala Madrid vs. Quuhod [PIWOSZE] - 30,6% -

  40. Guest

    Reading thread Wymiana prób moonowych, a pożyczanie recków -

  41. Guest

    Viewing members list -

  42. Guest

    Reading thread Restart / refresh serwerów -

  43. Guest

    Unknown location -

  44. Guest

    Reading thread #1. olszyn3k [N-A] vs. szkwirek ~ 5505.81% -

  45. Guest

    Reading thread Rejestracja konta na IRC'u -

  46. Guest

    Reading thread Raven [SUICIDE] vs. Anielica [B-S] ~ 106651.17% -

  47. Guest

    Login -

  48. Guest

    Unknown location -

  49. Guest

    Reading thread Problem falangi -

  50. Guest

    Reading thread Pokażmy potęgę naszego forum - wspólnie nieśmy pomoc! -

  51. Guest

    Reading thread Ekspedycje - kompletny poradnik -

  52. Guest

    Unknown location -

  53. Guest

    Reading thread GramBezInternetu [WSNR] vs. Jolek123 [PzM] ~ 5980.07% -

  54. Guest

    Unknown location -

  55. Guest

    Reading thread pavciosz [Minionki] vs. Hellmond [N-D] ~ 234620.65% TOP 2 SOLO -

  56. Guest

    Unknown location -

  57. Guest

    Reading thread Migotka i Kemib [Zoo] vs olo3021 [WIAARA] - 6538,06% [TOP 5 ACS] -

  58. Guest

    Unknown location -

  59. Guest

    Reading thread Nasze małe RW: solo 500%, ACS 800% -

  60. Guest

    Reading thread Strona sojuszu (górniczego)_ prośba o pomoc ;) -

  61. Guest

    Reading thread Porozmawiajmy na temat UniFusion -

  62. Guest

    Unknown location -

  63. Guest

    Reading thread Nie mozna sie zalogowac -

  64. Guest

    Viewing forum Błędy i Awarie -

  65. Guest

    Reading thread Artefakty z ekspedycji -

  66. Guest

    Writing reply in thread Sprzedam metal -

  67. Guest

    Writing reply in thread Liga Typerów - 9 Edycja - ZAKOŃCZONA - zwycięzca: Toadie -

  68. Guest

    Login -

  69. Guest

    Reading thread UFS - dyskusja -

  70. Guest

    Viewing profile Hasky vel. Pudełko -

  71. Guest

    Reading thread Universum Mensa (20.12.2019) -

  72. Guest

    Reading thread wielkość planet -

  73. Guest

    Viewing forum Gra i Komunikacja -

  74. Guest

    Reading thread Najlepszy gracz uniwersum - manipulacje/ ewentualne zmiany? -

  75. Guest

    Writing reply in thread Największe bunkry -

  76. Guest

    Reading thread YeahBunny [T R] vs. zenek ~ 9439.79% [*205*] -

  77. Guest

    Reading thread Sprzedaż przedmiotów -

  78. Guest

    Viewing forum Dyskusje i Dyplomacja -

  79. Guest

    Reading thread Zakłady bukmacherskie - Obstawianie meczów -

  80. Guest

    Reading thread Toadie -

  81. Guest

    Reading thread Porozmawiajmy na temat UniFusion -

  82. Guest

    Unknown location -

  83. Guest

    Reading thread Rynek - dyskusje -

  84. Guest

    Reading thread Toadie -

  85. Guest

    Reading thread Największe bunkry -

  86. Guest

    Unknown location -

  87. Guest

    Viewing forum Handel Norma -

  88. Guest

    Reading thread Nowe uni - nowe możliwe opcje -

  89. Guest

    Viewing profile cokolwiek -

  90. Guest

    Reading thread Nasze małe RW: solo 200%, ACS 300% -

  91. Guest

    Reading thread 9x więcej antymaterii z ekspedycji - czas i szansa zdobycia -

  92. Guest

    Reading thread Nalimko [IRA] vs. Infinity [TTD] ~ 12076.83% -

  93. Guest

    Reading thread Porozmawiajmy na temat UniFusion -

  94. Guest

    Writing reply in thread Astronomiczny -

  95. Guest

    Reading thread Obraza gracza -

  96. Guest

    Reading thread Chemiczny -

  97. Guest

    Reading thread Toadie -

  98. Guest

    Reading thread Sportowy -

  99. Guest

    Reading thread UniFusion - zmiana forum - zamknięcie forum -

  100. Guest

    Writing reply in thread I zlot graczy Xanthus -

  101. Guest

    Viewing forum Członkowie Teamu -

  102. Guest

    Reading thread Art -

  103. Guest

    Reading thread Art -

  104. Guest

    Reading thread Wymarzone uniwersa -

  105. Guest

    Reading thread ..::Piłka::Ręczna::.. -

  106. Guest

    Reading thread Zmiany na uni -

  107. Guest

    Viewing profile Wims -

  108. Guest

    Reading thread zefir [HYDRA] vs. Petes [TEMPLARS] ~ 2885.6% -

  109. Guest

    Reading thread Harry Potter -

  110. Guest

    Reading thread Andre [DoF] vs. pley [GORNICY] ~ 2459.21% -

  111. Guest

    Reading thread Kto napisze ostatniego posta wygrywa :D (gra) -

  112. Guest

    Reading thread atas [SaS] vs. Syriusz pierwszy [CS-GO] ~ 1678.07% -

  113. Guest

    Reading thread #15 Noob Saibot vs. Amet ~ 1861.83% -

  114. Guest

    Reading thread Nowe eventy w grze -dyskusja -

  115. Guest

    Reading thread Nie działa !!! -

  116. Guest

    Reading thread Universum Umbra (17.12.2020) -

  117. Guest

    Viewing profile Tygrys`glodny -

  118. Guest

    Reading thread Flota sama wrocila? -

  119. Guest

    Viewing profile Levyx​ -

  120. Guest

    Reading thread #6 dramat [DZBANY] vs. amelka ~ 1759.3% + bonusik -

  121. Guest

    Reading thread boox [LUMP] vs. maciekcK [TTG] ~ 2864.97% -

  122. Guest

    Reading thread Regulamin podforum "Literatura, Zdjęcia i Inne" -

  123. Guest

    Requesting password -

  124. Guest

    Reading thread FAQ: Sojusze -

  125. Guest

    Unknown location -

  126. Guest

    Reading thread Kiedy umrze Ogame ? Jak będzie wyglądać za lat kilka/naście ? -

  127. Guest

    Reading thread Okienkowy kalkulator produkcji -

  128. Guest

    Reading thread Najlepszy gracz uniwersum Galatea 2020 - Ankieta -

  129. Guest

    Reading thread Chemiczny -

  130. Guest

    Viewing forum Wydarzenia -

  131. Guest

    Viewing forum Archiwum -

  132. Guest

    Viewing members list -

  133. Guest

    Reading thread Kto napisze ostatniego posta wygrywa :D (gra) -

  134. Guest

    Viewing profile sScream -

  135. Guest

    Reading thread Dyskusje Libry! -

  136. Guest

    Reading thread S&D Universum 68 Edycja 3 [21.05.2018- 21.06.2018] -

  137. Guest

    Login -

  138. Guest

    Reading thread Usuń lub wszystko w zakładce Szpieguj. -

  139. Guest

    Reading thread pawelos [PACZKA] vs. Ebrantil [CHAOS_1] ~ 49595.37% -

  140. Guest

    Reading thread Toadie -

  141. Guest

    Reading thread Kupie Deu zawsze i wszędzie :D -

  142. Guest

    Reading thread Kwazar - oddam [40pluS] vs. Reaper1993xxx [NOLIMIT] ~ 1479.37% -

  143. Guest

    Reading thread Mrdix [MISIE] vs. Mierzwa [WOLF_U67] 1400.6% -

  144. Guest

    Reading thread Kto napisze ostatniego posta wygrywa :D (gra) -

  145. Guest

    Viewing forum Członkowie Teamu -

  146. Guest

    Reading thread Toadie -

  147. Guest

    Reading thread Fantasy czyli literatura magii i miecza... -

  148. Guest

    Reading thread Reprezentacja Polski w piłce nożnej. -

  149. Guest

    Reading thread Sora [PUSH] & Lord Dark [PUSH] vs. endrzel ~ 1450.79% -

  150. Guest


  151. Guest

    Viewing dashboard -

  152. Guest

    Reading thread Obcy [BoSS] & Pisiont Groszy [TOR] vs. Jadsu [AMD] ~ 4779.45% TOP1 ACS -

  153. Guest

    Login -

  154. Guest

    Reading thread Reprezentacja Polski w piłce nożnej. -

  155. Guest

    Viewing forum Uni68 -

  156. Guest

    Reading thread Arkusz obliczający spodziewany (średni) wydatek na handlarza -

  157. Guest

    Reading thread Ruda -

  158. Guest

    Reading thread S&D Universum 68 Edycja 2 [20.10.2019-20.11.2019] -

  159. Guest

    Reading thread S&D Universum Quaoar Edycja 1 [05.06.2017 - 05.07.2017] -

  160. Guest

    Viewing profile El Baaboollo -

  161. Guest

    Viewing profile ZDOBYWCA1 -

  162. Guest

    Reading thread 30.06: Aktywacja aktualizacji sojuszu -

  163. Guest

    Viewing forum Starcia Tucana -

  164. Guest

    Viewing profile fenek73 -

  165. Guest

    Writing reply in thread Biologiczny -

  166. Guest

    Reading thread Sarniak [W_P] vs. Szaket [Alliance] ~ 12453.42% -

  167. Guest

    Reading thread Hall of Fame - dyskusje -

  168. Guest

    Viewing forum Handel Umbra -

  169. Guest

    Reading thread -

  170. Guest

    Viewing forum Wojny Yildun -

  171. Guest

    Viewing forum UniIndus -

  172. Guest

    Reading thread Kobra [Eko] vs. Ojciecmateusz ~ 1893.82% -

  173. Guest

    Viewing members list -

  174. Guest

    Viewing forum Starcia Kalyke -

  175. Guest

    Reading thread Sputnik [POMIDOR] vs. pieniadz [B_B] ~ 2628.32% -

  176. Guest

    Viewing forum index -

  177. Guest

    Viewing forum Handel Libra -

  178. Guest

    Writing reply in thread #23 Poke [SITH] vs. slesz - 905.8% -

  179. Guest

    Viewing users online -

  180. Guest

    Unknown location -

  181. Guest

    Viewing forum Starcia U68 -

  182. Guest

    Unknown location -

  183. Guest

    Reading thread FAQ: Zasady Gry i sytuacje sporne -

  184. Guest

    Viewing forum Starcia Wezn -

  185. Guest

    Reading thread Zestaw z Falcorem na nowe forum -

  186. Guest

    Viewing profile Rexiu Inzynier -

  187. Guest

    Unknown location -

  188. Guest

    Viewing forum Błędy i Awarie -

  189. Guest

    Requesting password -

  190. Guest

    Viewing forum UniXanthus -

  191. Guest

    Reading thread I am princess [SET-EFiO] vs. Gomezues [HoA] ~ 1535.69% -

  192. Guest

    Reading thread Zmiana prędkości badań na Universach -

  193. Guest

    Reading thread energia -

  194. Guest

    Viewing forum UniLibra -

  195. Guest

    Viewing profile Kelly Bundy -

  196. Guest

    Reading thread Rekordy (wszystkie speed zapraszam!) -

  197. Guest

    Viewing forum DiD Umbra -

  198. Guest

    Unknown location -

  199. Guest

    Reading thread Fantasy czyli literatura magii i miecza... -

  200. Guest

    Viewing profile Darkstar -

  201. Guest

    Reading thread Liga Mistrzów UEFA / UEFA Champions League -

  202. Guest

    Viewing forum Handel Himalia -

  203. Guest

    Reading thread Guziczek [RETRO] vs. Director Zagadra 12.3 % -

  204. Guest

    Reading thread Kto się pushnął? -

  205. Guest

    Reading thread Największe bunkry -

  206. Guest

    Reading thread Czego w tej Chwili Słuchacie ? -

  207. Guest

    Unknown location -

  208. Guest

    Unknown location -

  209. Guest

    Reading thread S&D Universum Libra Edycja 1 [28.01.2019-28.02.2019] -

  210. Guest

    Unknown location -

  211. Guest

    Reading thread Sprzedam dex -

  212. Guest

    Unknown location -

  213. Guest

    Viewing profile Tygrys`glodny -

  214. Guest

    Viewing forum Uni68 -

  215. Guest

    Reading thread S&D Universum Quantum Edycja 1 [10.12.2018- 10.01.2019] -

  216. Guest

    Unknown location -

  217. Guest

    Reading thread Lamki , lameczki U18 -

  218. Guest

    Writing reply in thread Dyskusje na temat -

  219. Guest

    Reading thread Czego w tej Chwili Słuchacie ? -

  220. Guest

    Reading thread Reprezentacja Polski w piłce nożnej. -

  221. Guest

    Viewing profile Ruda -

  222. Guest

    Reading thread Kupię rozpruwacze. -

  223. Guest

    Viewing forum Dyskusje i Dyplomacja -

  224. Guest

    Viewing users online -

  225. Guest

    Unknown location -

  226. Guest

    Reading thread NoSkill [KOMORNIC] vs. kajako dyplomata [P N] ~ 8616.4% -

  227. Guest

    Viewing members list -

  228. Guest

    Reading thread Porozmawiajmy na temat UniFusion -

  229. Guest

    Viewing forum DiD Indus -

  230. Guest

    Reading thread kruszynka -

  231. Guest

    Viewing forum Handel Aquarius -

  232. Guest

    Viewing members list -

  233. Guest

    Viewing profile Hasky vel. Pudełko -

  234. Guest

    Viewing profile Olvik -

  235. Guest

    Viewing profile Pan S -

  236. Guest

    Viewing profile Xfaza -

  237. Guest

    Reading thread Wyniki ankiety konfiguracyjnej dla nowego uniwersum -

  238. Guest

    Reading thread Regulamin podforum "Nauka" -

  239. Guest

    Viewing forum index -

  240. Guest

    Viewing list of staff members -

  241. Guest

    Viewing forum Seek & Destroy -

  242. Guest

    Reading thread Astronomiczny -

  243. Guest

    Reading thread Najlepszy gracz uniwersum Rhea - głosowanie! -

  244. Guest

    Writing reply in thread nightm4r3 [WIAARA] & amen [PHX] vs. Zostancie ludzie [NOOB] ~ 5851.27% -

  245. Guest

    Reading thread Regulamin Konkursów Cotygodniowych -

  246. Guest

    Viewing profile xxbakuxx -

  247. Guest

    Viewing profile XxxRockyxXX -

  248. Guest

    Unknown location -

  249. Guest

    Viewing profile Zooombi -

  250. Guest

    Reading thread Konkurs TOP SOLO & ACS uEuropa -

  251. Guest

    Viewing profile Bresia (L) -

  252. Guest

    Reading thread Czego w tej Chwili Słuchacie ? -

  253. Guest

    Unknown location -

  254. Guest

    Viewing forum Gra -

  255. Guest

    Unknown location -

  256. Guest

    Viewing profile -

  257. Guest

    Unknown location -

  258. Guest

    Reading thread Nowe uni - nowe możliwe opcje -

  259. Guest

    Reading thread Nowe Uni Quaoar -

  260. Guest

    Viewing forum Starcia Taurus -

  261. Guest

    Unknown location -

  262. Guest

    Reading thread Astronomiczny -

  263. Guest

    Viewing profile lotrec -

  264. Guest

    Unknown location -

  265. Guest

    Unknown location -

  266. Guest

    Viewing profile dexPL -

  267. Guest

    Unknown location -

  268. Guest

    Unknown location -

  269. Guest

    Reading thread #46. olszyn3k [NA-SITH] vs. Joey [TEREFERE] ~ 13361.11% -

  270. Guest

    Unknown location -

  271. Guest

    Viewing forum Archiwum -

  272. Guest

    Unknown location -

  273. Guest

    Viewing forum Wojny Libra -

  274. Guest

    Viewing forum UniTaurus -

  275. Guest

    Viewing forum Archiwum -

  276. Guest

    Unknown location -

  277. Guest

    Viewing forum Pytania -

  278. Guest

    Unknown location -

  279. Guest

    Viewing members list -

  280. Guest

    Viewing forum UniXanthus -

  281. Guest

    Viewing members list -

  282. Guest

    Reading thread System zgłoszeń i odwołań do obsługi Forum -

  283. Guest

    Viewing profile toruńskiAnioł -

  284. Guest

    Viewing forum Starcia U68 -

  285. Guest

    Reading thread Kupie deuter -

  286. Guest

    Reading thread Zyla [B-S] vs. OldSmuggler [G-Z] ~ 2381.72% -

  287. Guest

    Unknown location -

  288. Guest

    Reading thread Real Madryt -

  289. Guest

    Reading thread ZbyszekNiszczarka vs mistgun & artek 59740,8 -

  290. Guest

    Reading thread Najlepszy film, jaki w życiu widziałeś/aś -

  291. Guest

    Reading thread Przerwa w działaniu forum -

  292. Guest

    Viewing forum index -

  293. Guest

    Reading thread ostatnia litera -

  294. Guest

    Viewing members list -

  295. Guest

    Requesting password -

  296. Guest

    Viewing forum Wojny Cosmos -

  297. Guest

    Reading thread Granice balance (flota+eko) czy ma sens? -

  298. Guest

    Viewing forum index -

  299. Guest

    Viewing users online -

  300. Guest

    Reading thread Wersja 7.x - dyskusja -

  301. Guest

    Reading thread Ruda -

Search Engine Robots 9

  1. SemrushBot

    Viewing forum index -

  2. Yandex

    Viewing profile Arlen -

  3. Bing

    Reading thread #38 Kicki [Mns] vs. Sandacz [Ekonomy] ~ 1582.55% -

  4. Google

    Viewing profile halsa -

  5. Ahrefs

    Reading thread S&D Universum Quantum Edycja 2 [17.10.2017- 17.11.2017] -

  6. Applebot

    Login -

  7. Trendiction-Bot

    Viewing forum Pytania -

  8. GPTBot

    Writing reply in thread OKA: Dzień 7 -

  9. PetalBot

    Viewing forum Starcia Nekkar -