BlacKy WhiTe [RLR] vs. Dwayne ~ 4140.25%

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  • BlacKy WhiTe [RLR] vs. Dwayne ~ 4140.25%

    Folgende Flotten standen sich am 22-02-2020 --:--:-- gegenüber:

    Attacker BlacKy WhiTe [RLR]

    Battleship 1.075
    Battlecruiser 1.442
    Cruiser 4.833
    Light Fighter 116.705
    Heavy Fighter 3.570


    Defender Dwayne

    Small Cargo 3.931
    Large Cargo 984
    Light Fighter 39.216
    Heavy Fighter 3.402
    Cruiser 1.279
    Battleship 1.294
    Recycler 496
    Espionage Probe 1.620
    Bomber 61
    Solarsatellite 403
    Destroyer 13
    Battlecruiser 561
    Reaper 147
    Pionier 1.239
    Rocket Launcher 20.557


    After the battle...

    Attacker BlacKy WhiTe [RLR]

    Battleship 1.071 ( -4 )
    Battlecruiser 1.436 ( -6 )
    Cruiser 4.676 ( -157 )
    Light Fighter 80.312 ( -36.393 )
    Heavy Fighter 3.001 ( -569 )


    Defender Dwayne


    The attacker has won the battle!

    The attacker captured:
    7.525.494 Metal, 303.007 Crystal and 5.195.679 Deuterium

    The attacker lost a total of 156.565.000 units.
    The defender lost a total of 502.545.500 units.
    At these space coordinates now float 279.829.200 Metal und 134.195.600 Crystal.
    The attacker captured a total of 13.024.180 units.

    The chance for a moon to be created from the debris was 20%.

    harvested debris by attacker(s):
    278.734.200 Metall and 133.110.051 Kristall

    Summary of profit/losses:

    Summary attacker

    Metal: 170.166.694
    Crystal: 93.345.058
    Deuterium: 4.791.679
    The attacker made a profit of 268.303.431 Units.
    The attacker earned a total of 58.210 honor points.

    Summary defender

    Metal: -332.302.494
    Crystal: -151.943.007
    Deuterium: -31.324.179
    The defender lost a total of 515.569.680 units.
    The defender earned a total of 23.726 honor points.

    Unterstützt durch OGotcha KB Konverter 4.3.1

    Post był edytowany 1 raz, ostatnio przez Bauwsilein ().