Son Goku [EKB] vs. Dorszu [qHp] 1107.86%

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  • Son Goku [EKB] vs. Dorszu [qHp] 1107.86%

    W akcie desperacji wlecialem sobie w bunkierek :D

    Pozdro dla Soja i Znajomych ;)

    On 29-06-2017 --:--:--, the following fleets met in battle:

    Attacker Son Goku [EKB]

    Destroyer 1.195
    Small Cargo 5.092
    Light Fighter 99.784
    Heavy Fighter 1.346
    Cruiser 12.303
    Battleship 3.051
    Battlecruiser 5.382

    Defender Dorszu [qHp]

    Small Cargo 666
    Large Cargo 500
    Light Fighter 166
    Heavy Fighter 200
    Cruiser 600
    Battleship 200
    Recycler 300
    Espionage Probe 128
    Bomber 245
    Solar Satellite 552
    Deathstar 1
    Battlecruiser 200
    Rocket Launcher 40.000
    Light Laser 10.000
    Heavy Laser 4.000
    Gauss Cannon 1.000
    Ion Cannon 2.000
    Plasma Turret 400
    Small Shield Dome 1
    Large Shield Dome 1

    After the battle ...

    Attacker Son Goku [EKB]

    Destroyer 1.190 ( -5 )
    Small Cargo 4.128 ( -964 )
    Light Fighter 80.588 ( -19.196 )
    Heavy Fighter 1.230 ( -116 )
    Cruiser 11.929 ( -374 )
    Battleship 3.017 ( -34 )
    Battlecruiser 5.336 ( -46 )

    Defender Dorszu [qHp]


    The attacker has won the battle!
    The attacker captured:
    3.619.104 Metal, 1.768.278 Crystal and 2.314.103 Deuterium

    The attacker lost a total of 99.221.000 units.
    The defender lost a total of 333.806.000 units.
    At these space coordinates now float 74.509.200 metal and 36.276.600 crystal.
    The attacker captured a total of 7.701.485 units.

    The chance for a moon to be created from the debris was 20%.
    The attacker(s) captured the debris.

    Summary of profit/losses:

    Summary attackers(s)

    Metal: 7.226.304
    Crystal: 11.238.878
    Deuterium: 801.103
    The attacker(s) made a profit of 19.266.285 units.

    Summary defender(s)

    Metal: -219.959.104
    Crystal: -95.483.278
    Deuterium: -26.065.103
    The defender(s) lost a total of 341.507.485 units.

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