Serwer eventowy: The Party in the universe is on!

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    • Serwer eventowy: The Party in the universe is on!

      Tego lata wystartowało wielkie OGame-party!

      Graj od 25 maja do 8 czerwca 2016, walcz o wysokie top i zgarniaj nagrody!

      1miejsce: iPad pro 9,7 Zoll – 128 GB – Wlan
      2miejsce: LG G5 – 32 GB
      3miejsce: iPhone SE – 64 GB
      4.-6.: 50€ Antymaterii (kupon)
      7.-8.: 25€ Antymaterii (kupon)
      9.-10.: 10€ Antymaterii (kupon)
      Losowy gracz (pomiędzy top 4 – 150): Pixel C Tablet

      Na co czekasz? Dołącz do gry!


      • otworzyliśmy trzy serwery .EN .DE .FR
      • po poprawnej aktywacji, na konto trafi 31337 Antymaterii
      • prędkość ekonomii 7x (produkcja surowców, budowa budynków, badania, stocznie)
      • prędkość flot 5x (czas lotu, czas użycia teleportu, rakiety międzyplanetarne)
      • 70% złomu ze zniszczonych statków trafi na pole zniszczeń
      • 7 galaktyk
    • Warunki uczestnictwa

      Entry Conditions
      The following entry conditions govern the flow of the OGame Event (hereafter the ‘event’), being organised by Gameforge 4D GmbH, Albert-Nestler-Strasse 8, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany (hereafter ‘Gameforge’).

      1. Participation period
      The event starts on 25.05.2016, at 14:00 and will end on 08.06.2016. (GMT +2) (hereafter ‘participation period’).

      2. No participation costs
      (1) Participation is free and not connected to the purchase of goods or services.
      (2) The optional purchase of ‘Dark Matter’ is possible during the event, however this purchase is neither required, nor appropriate for increasing the chances of winning. ‘Dark Matter’ purchased as part of the event is non-refundable and cannot be transferred to other user accounts during or after the event.

      3. Participation Eligibility
      (1) Eligible for participation is every person of full age who resides within the European Union (hereafter ‘participation region’), who is permitted to register an OGame account according to the General Terms and Conditions.
      (2) Employees of Gameforge and associated companies as well as relatives of any of the former may participate but are excluded from receipt of any prizes.

      4. Participant
      A ‘Participant’ is every person eligible for participation who registers an account for the temporary event server within the participation period.

      5. Winner
      (1) A ‘winner’ is the participant who reaches the highest point score in the overall high score list at the end of the participation period.
      (2) If more than one participant attains the same point score, Gameforge will decide the winner through a raffle draw.
      (3) Gameforge will announce the winner on 13.06.2016. using their associated nickname and will then inform this winner by the same date via email (hereafter ‘notification’).
      (4) The judges’ decision is final with regard to the determining of the winner.

      6. Prize
      (1) The dispatch of a physical prize (hereafter ‘delivery’) requires the provision of a forename and surname as well as a valid postal address within the participation region (hereafter ‘details’).
      (2) Gameforge will ask the winner to provide their details for the purposes of delivery within the notification.
      (3) Should the winner not provide these details within fourteen days then they will lose the claim to any prize and the prize will then be dispatched to the participant with the next-highest point score. In an instance of point scores being the same, then section 5(2) of these entry conditions will apply.
      (4) Sections 6(1) through 6(2) of these entry conditions correspondingly apply in the case that section 6(3) arises. However, this is then limited so that the right to a claim of prize will not then pass on to another, further participant.
      (5) The delivery will be carried out within four weeks of the details being provided; to be dispatched by a delivery service provider contracted by Gameforge (hereafter ‘contracted provider’).
      (6) The hand-off of the prize to the contracted provider is considered as Gameforge presenting the prize to the winner.
      (7) Should the prize not concern a physical prize, but rather a virtual prize, Gameforge will distribute the prize to the winner via email using the email address provided in the registration process.
      (8) A cash payment, payment in form of material assets as well as an exchange and/or transfer of the prizes to third parties is not possible.

      7. Exemption from Liability
      (1) Regardless of legal grounds, Gameforge, its committees, employees and agents are liable exclusively for wilful intent and gross negligence. However with slight negligence they are only liable in cases where contractual obligations are infringed upon and are limited to foreseeable damages.
      (2) These limitations do not apply to the injury of life, the body or health.

      8. Declaration of Consent
      The participant consents to Gameforge announcing them through use of nickname on $Forenlink in the event of winning and also consents to Gameforge contacting them via email using the email account associated with the participant account as according to sections 5(3) and 6(7) of these entry conditions.

      9. Data Protection
      Gameforge will process and use personal data exclusively for the execution of the event as well as for the delivery of the prizes via the contracted provider in consideration of the German Federal Data Protection Act and the Privacy Policy.

      10. Further Points
      (1) By registering an account for the temporary event server, the participant accepts these entry conditions.
      (2) Alongside the entry conditions, the general terms and conditions and the game and forum rules also apply (together ‘the rules’).
      (3) Eligibility can be revoked at any point should a participant infringe on the rules during the participation period, or if such an infringement can be asserted retroactively.
      (4) Gameforge reserves the right to end the event before the end of the participation period without any prior notice, provided that its orderly execution cannot be guaranteed, either due to technical or legal grounds.
      (5) If any provision of these requirements should be or become ineffective, the effectiveness of the remaining points of these requirements of use are not affected. Statutory rules will take the place of the ineffective provision.
    • Nasi zwycięzcy:


      1. longaba

      2. Lucefer

      3. Qlimax

      4. Seppel

      5. inmate

      6. Phreak

      7. Mietze212

      8. bala

      9. lamososina

      10. LEGEND

      Losowy gracz: 124. Albtraum


      1. asuna

      2. KIZIL_SAKAL

      3. lefort_is_naab

      4. astros

      5. cucu

      6. Nistra

      7. Kahlan

      8. supercalculs

      9. zarkk

      10. Neltharion

      Losowy gracz: 39. Roger


      1. longaba

      2. oxente

      3. Medalist

      4. WEDQE

      5. lyca

      6. dmnotenough

      7. JackDaniels

      8. rabidus

      9. SuNiPeR

      10. KARAKARTAL

      Losowy gracz: 139. N7S


      Ze zwycięzcami skontaktujemy się za pomocą wiadomości email.